a) GENDER- is a relational concept that
denotes the manner in which men and women are
differentiated in the social-cultural
- It denotes the different roles of men and
women in society
- Examples:
b) SEX- the different physical/biological
- Examples
i) the process of assessing the
implications for women and men of any planned action
including legislation, policies, and
programmes, in any area and at all levels.
ii) A strategy to reduce inequality between
men and women
iii) Before any decisions eg policy is
made, there should be an analysis of its effect on
men and women
discrimination based on gender
- Discrimination that arises from societies
idea of the different gender roles
i) Equality- concept about treating people
the same
ii) Gender equality means that the
different behaviour, aspirations and needs of
women and men are considered, valued and
favoured equally.
iii) It does not mean that women and men
have to become the same, but that their
rights, responsibilities and opportunities
will not depend on whether they are
born male or female.
iv) Thus gender inequality means treating
men and women differently.
v) Examples: girls to take up arts whilst
boys to take up sciences in schools.
i) Equity is about fairness in process and
ii) Gender equity means fairness of
treatment for women and men, according to
their respective needs.
iii) This may include equal treatment or
treatment that is different but which is
considered equivalent in terms of rights,
benefits, obligations and opportunities.
iv) Its about changing laws to ensure
fairness- access to equal opportunities
FEMIINISM- A political movement aimed at
transforming gender relations oppressive to
- this is a broad term for a variety of
relations between men and women in society
- Feminism discourages discrimination of
- However different feminist theories have
different ideas as to what are the origins of
women discrimination.
- Feminism studies want to analyse the
causes of discrimination of women in society and
come up with ways of solving them.
a) Radical feminism (male power)
i) Definition- looks at men as the enemy
and root cause of feminism
ii) Origins: patriarchal societies
Patriarchy is a specific male domination
based on the powerful role of the
father trend
This system puts power in males had to
organize society and women the
way they want.
Women are important only for sex and
iii) How to tackle gender imbalance:
through female empowerment.
iv) Criticism:
Ignore economic imbalances between men
and women
Not all men are patriarchal
Attempting to share male power instead of
changing it-want to be like
men thus creating unnecessary hostility
b) Liberal feminism (unequal opportunities)
i) Definition- equal opportunities for
women to participate in public life(political
and legal)
ii) Origins: liberal feminism emerged from
2 socio-economic transformations
Industrial revolution
Revolutions against monarchies and
governments in the 18 th century
iii) How to tackle gender imbalance
Redistribution of opportunities in
health, education, work and politics
Enhance gender equal laws
iv) Criticisms
Ignores structural gender
inequities/power relations (social injustices)
Ignore social inequality
c) Marxist feminism (social inequity)
i) Definition- attribute women’s oppression
to social class, race and ethnicity
Capitalism and sexism are inseparable.
ii) Origins: Fred Engels writings
It locates women’s oppression in their
inability to participate in the public
They are only allowed to participate
domestically- man goes to work,
woman stays at home.
Women’s role is domestic thus they are
not financially empowered.
iii) How to tackle gender imbalance
Allow women access to public life- allow
them to earn a living outside the
Raise womens wages instead of paying them
Value house work- caring for children,
cleaning house and birth
iv) Criticisms
Argument that improvement of women’s
access to the work force may
improve the standards of living for women ,
but not change
d) Black feminism
e) Eco-feminism
MASCULINISM- is a theory of how men view
themselves- their identities
a) Conservative masculinism:
i) Definition- based on the idea that men
are more powerful than women
ii) Origins:
iii) criticisms
b) Religious masculinism
i) Definition
ii) Origins
iii) criticism
c) Liberal masculinism
i) Definition
ii) Origins
iii) criticismz